Local supply strategies in a geopolitical energy crisis

Strategic impact and implementation - challenges, inspiration, and tools
Tuesday 22nd November
08:30 - 15:30 CET
Danish Parliament - See Location
Event Completed

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Join us to discuss how utilities are handling the historically major challenges.

The current situation stresses the need to step up the pace to make Denmark independent of fossil fuels. This is a challenge, but it also creates new opportunities for Danish energy companies. In other words, we are in an energy crisis that places greater demands on effective execution and rapid and agile adaptation of local and national strategies. This requires an overview of all ongoing initiatives and KPIs, as well as a fact-based basis for prioritization, as strategic plans need to be continuously adaptable to a changing reality.

Come and join the discussion on how to make this happen.

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The Agenda


November 2022
08:30 - 15:30
08:30 - 09:00

Registration and breakfast

09:00 - 09:15



Christoffer Aagaard Melson

MP Deputy chairman for Climate, Energy and Utility Committee

09:15 - 09:45

An industry under pressure from several simultaneous crises. How do we solve the many short-term challenges without compromising the need for long-term solutions?


Lars Goldschmidt

Deputy chairman of the Danish District Heating Association

09:45 - 10:15

The need for rapid adaptation and conversion. Can digital strategy solutions ensure a better overview, faster adjustments and better results?

Flemming Nielsen

Flemming Horn Nielsen

CEO of Lyngby-Taarbæk Forsyning

10:15 - 11:00

Strategic planning and corporate governance. How can we balance the many bottom lines?

Gudrun Erla Gudmonsdottir

Guðrún Erla Jónsdóttir

Policy director of Reykjavik Energy

11:00 - 11:30

The influence of geopolitics on corporate cyber strategy. Are we ready to implement the necessary changes?

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Thomas Lund Sørensen

Partner and Head of Cyber Risk Advisory at Macro Advisory

11:30 - 12:00

Cyber and information security in times of crisis. Is NIS2 the answer to the new threat landscape?


Morten Eeg Ejrnæs Nielsen

Risk & Security consultant in Globeteam A/S

12:00 - 12:30

Maintaining strategies that ensure positive gains in the long run.

Lars Goldschmidt, Flemming Horn Nielsen, Guðrún Erla Jónsdóttir, Morten Eeg Ejrnæs Nielsen, Thomas Lund Sørensen, Flemming Videriksen

Panel 1

12:30 - 13:15


13:15 - 13:45

Learning from Crisis Mode for Successful Strategy Implementation. What transformation leaders need to do to succeed?

Tahierou Assane

Tahirou Assane

Director of Brightline Initiative

13:45 - 14:15

The world’s great cities are fighting climate change and surviving the global energy crisis: with clean energy and climate budgets, integrating climate action into the city’s financial system.

david miller

David Miller

Former mayor in Toronto and Managing Director of C40 Centre for City Climate Policy and Economy

14:15 - 15:00

Political responsibility and ownership of the strategic direction. Is it possible to find a common political platform?

We have invited the parties' energy and climate policy spokesman.

Panel 2

15:00 - 15:30

Resilient organizations are the foundation for stable change processes in times of crisis. What is today's 5 most important recommendations?


Flemming Videriksen

CEO for DecideAct A/S


Wine and networking

Security of supply, stable prices and maintaining the green agenda depend on the utilities' strategies having the desired impact. They only have this if they are implemented effectively, and no time and money are wasted on slow processes or initiatives that are not implemented anyway. Both customers and the environment depend on us to optimize our operations.

Historical pressure to secure supply and stable prices

Energy companies are under historic pressure to ensure the future security of supply and stable prices while maintaining and, if possible, developing the green agenda. According to Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, the war in Ukraine and climate change mean that we have two crises on the table at the same time: 'We need to speed up the green transition and we need to get rid of Russian fossil fuels.' Currently, the energy sector and its customers are under further pressure from soaring and still rising energy prices, a consequence of a most unfortunate combination of low rainfall, insufficient wind, and reduced or no access to Russian gas.

Our mission at DecideAct
Our vision at DecideAct
The green transition can’t stop

The Danish Energy Strategy 2050 was a major step toward realizing the vision of Danish independence from coal, oil, and gas. The Energy Agreement of 2018 concretized many initiatives with the overall goal of making Denmark the world's leading offshore wind nation. At the Marienborg Energy Summit, Baltic Sea countries agreed to increase the capacity of offshore wind from the Baltic Sea from just under 3 gigawatts to almost 20 gigawatts by 2030. This means that (depending on the size of the turbines) 1,100-1,700 offshore wind turbines will be built, which could provide power for between 22 and 30 million households.

The green transition draws on both the energy sector and climate policy

Denmark is aiming towards net-zero emissions in line with the Paris Agreement, and a net-zero emissions target for the EU and Denmark by 2050. Energy companies have committed to phasing out coal by 2030, and by 2022 all households with gas boilers must be provided with a proposal for an alternative solution. This will significantly increase the pressure for an expansion of the district heating network.

Our culture at DecideAct

Join the debate on how energy companies are tackling the historic challenges

We are in the middle of a geopolitical energy crisis, which has great implications for Danish energy companies, their customers, and society. Security of supply, stable prices, and the maintenance of the green agenda depend on energy companies' strategies having the desired impact, which requires efficient implementation without wasting time on slow processes or actions that are not implemented anyway. Society, customers, and the environment all depend on us optimizing our processes and operations. At this energy strategy seminar, we have invited key Danish and international experts and practitioners to give their assessments of the situation. They will do so through presentations on how energy companies can organize, monitor, develop and execute their strategies effectively and with maximum impact to achieve their objectives – internationally, nationally, and locally – now and in the future.

Request Invite
As an energy company, how do you maintain a strategic overview during a geopolitical energy crisis?
How do you implement the required adjustments to energy sources and grids?
How do you execute initiatives when the conditions are constantly changing?
How do you increase the strategic success rate?
How do you maintain and strengthen the green agenda?
How do you increase the level of cyber and information security?

Our Speakers

david miller
David Miller

Managing Director, C40 Centre for City Climate Policy and Economy

Miller was Mayor of Toronto from 2003 to 2010 and served as Chair of C40 Cities from 2008 until 2010. Under his leadership, Toronto became widely admired internationally for its environmental leadership, economic strength and social integration. He is a leading advocate for the creation of sustainable urban economies.

Guðrún Erla Jónsdóttir
Guðrún Erla Jónsdóttir

CSO Reykjavik Energy

Experienced Officer with a demonstrated history of working in the renewables and environment industry. Strong professional with a Ph.D. Fellow focused in Corporate Governance and Strategic Role of Boards of Directors from Háskóli Íslands.

Flemming Nielsen
Flemming Nielsen

CEO, Lyngby Taarbæk Forsyning

Flemming holds a master's degree in engineering and has for most of his 30-year career worked as a manager in the oil and gas industry – among others in DONG and Maersk. Since becoming CEO of Lyngby Taarbæk Forsyning in 2020, he has worked with streamlined digitization of the company's strategic infrastructure.

Tahierou Assane
Tahierou Assane

Director of Brightline Initiative

Tahirou has over 15 years of experience in leadership roles, civil engineering, strategy, transformation, and project management. As Director of the Brightline Initiative, Tahirou oversees the activities under the three benefit pillars of thought and practice leadership, networking, and capability building.
CEO for Brightline Initiative

Flemming Videriksen

CEO, DecideAct A/S

Flemming Videriksen, CEO and co-founder of DecideAct - A SaaS solution bridging the gap between strategy design and implementation. DecideAct turns the dream of clear strategic alignment and governance into reality.

Morten Eeg Ejrnæs Nielsen

Risk & Security consultant, Globeteam A/S

Morten has for many years worked with cyber, information security and data protection across several sectors, and was co-author of Denmark's first national Cyber and Information Security Strategy.

Henrik Hahn-Nissen

CEO, Influenter

Henrik is a special advisor and CEO of Influenter, where he advises companies in most industries. Henrik has built up a solid political network over many years, and he has a strong passion for political advocacy.

Lars Goldschmidt

Deputy chairman for Dansk Fjernvarmeforening

Lars is deputy chairman of the Danish District Heating Association, a board member of Frederiksberg Forsyning and Helsingør Forsyning, and has for several years been chairman of Bornholm's Energy and Supply. In his long career, he has also been director of many interest organizations and several public companies related to Danish industry.

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Thomas Lund Sørensen

Partner and Head of Cyber Risk Advisory at Macro Advisory Partners.

Thomas has been Head of the Danish Government’s Centre for Cyber since its foundation in 2012 and has been Chief Information Officer at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2010-2012), Ambassador and Special Envoy of the Danish Government to Benghazi, Libya (2011), Ambassador to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (2007-2010).

Christoffer Aagaard Melson

Member of Parliament for Venstre

Deputy chairman for Climate-, Energy- and Utility Comittee Spokesman for IT, Telecommuication, Arktis and Greenland

Action must be taken now. Come and join the discussions.

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An initiative to discuss and rethink strategy implementation.

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